Меню KDT
Crizal - Multipurpose Responsive Template + Admin

Join a self-regulatory organization

1. In the form below, fill in all fields about the company and click on “Submit”.

2. Download the documents Application for joining a Self-Regulatory Organization, Questionnaire. Fill out the downloaded documents, sign and seal them.

3. Send scanned versions of documents Application for joining a Self-Regulatory Organization, Questionnaire and Certificate of Registration to info@qaztexindustry.kz.

4. Send the original documents “Application for joining a Self-Regulatory Organization”, “Questionnaire” by mail to the following address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 010000, Saryarka district, Moskovskaya st., 40, room 424.

5. For questions, call +7 705 299 88 28.

To join the association, follow this link and fill out the form!
Пройти заявку на вступление через Google Forms